Yuzu roast chicken with garlic and herbs and all sorts of disobedience

While I was last in London 10 days ago, Luc was forced to stage an intervention when a procession of seven armoured vehicles, containing AK 47-toting soldiers got lost and ended up in the garden. If I’d been alone in the house, I think I might have been intimidated by the sight of a battalion rocking up in front of the house. Luc, not so much; he went outside, scantily clad, and escorted them off the property in reverse, to avoid damaging the lawn. He then sent them on their way, gently mocking the fact that they’d managed to get lost, despite their state of the art navigation systems. It takes some nerve to take the piss out of a bunch of soldiers with loaded machine guns, doesn’t it?

While Luc handles a battalion with ease, I struggle with a single naughty puppy. The puppy in question belongs to our neighbours and I have been taking him, their other dog and Java out during the day while they are at work. I thought, proudly, that I had everything in hand, and even convinced myself that I could easily manage a couple more dogs, when the little minx leapt up and grabbed the trailing cord my keys were on from my pocket. A frenetic, zigzagging chase through the pine trees ensued, culminating in me having to throw myself over the over-excited wriggler, rugby tackle-style. Dignified it was not, but I did regain possession of my mud-covered, dribble-splattered door keys.

Recipe for yuzu roast chicken with garlic and herbs (serves 4)
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
- 5 garlic cloves, 1 of which should be crushed
- 1/2 teaspoon chopped rosemary, plus 2 rosemary sprigs
- 1/2 teaspoon chopped thyme, plus 2 thyme sprigs
- 1/2 teaspoon finely grated yuzu zest (or lemon zest)
- Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 1 chicken, gutted
- 1 large onion, sliced
- 1 yuzu, cut into wedges (you can use a lemon instead)
- 1 cup chicken stock
Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a bowl, mix the butter with the crushed garlic, chopped herbs, and the yuzu zest, then season with salt and pepper. Rub the herb butter all over the chicken, piercing the chicken skin with a fork to allow the butter to seep in, then place in a roasting tin. Add the sliced onion, remaining garlic cloves and the yuzu to the top of the chicken, as well as the remaining sprigs of herbs. Pour the chicken stock over the top and roast in the oven for an hour.
Delicious served with butternut purée and green beans.
Yuzu health benefits
Yuzu is a citrus plant and fruit that belongs to the the Rutaceae family. It is often described as a cross between a grapefruit, lime and mandarin orange. It has a distinctly sour flavour, which is much more intensely fragrant than lemon. Its oil is extracted and revered for its therapeutic effect.
The yuzu is highly nutritious, particularly high is vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin A and copper. It also contains powerful plant compounds such as carotenoids, flavonoids, and limonoids, which act as antioxidants in the body. In addition, hesperidin and naringin act as anticoagulants and antioxidants which protect the brain.
The scent of yuzu oil is particularly soothing, potentially helping reduce tension and anxiety. In one study it was shown to decrease stress markers, such as mood disturbance, tension, depression, anger, and confusion.
Wow~ I’d have been unnerved by a bunch of tanks rolling up my yard for sure! I’m impressed with your Luc. That puppy is so adorable~ of course he/she has to be trouble with that amount of cuteness :). The chicken sounds excellent, but I’m curious if yuzu grows in France…? I always thought it was an Asian citrus but could be wrong.
The Healthy Epicurean
Troublesome puppies are so irresistible! You’re right : yuzu are Asian and I haven’t seen them on sale in France, but luckily for us, our neighbour is a citrus fruit enthusiast and grows them! They’re soo good!
Oh that’s awesome that a neighbor grows them! I’ve never seen them around here but I’m going to keep a look out now that you have piqued my interest.