Health news
Why cupcakes are the new cocaine
Coke may need to contain a cancer warning
Can eating sugar make you stupid?
A study on the mediterranean diet and its link to decreased chance of illness
Moderate coffee consumption protects heart
Vitamin D beneficial for respiratory problems in children
Coconut oil attacks tooth decay
Drinking more than four cups a day can halve the risk of dying from mouth or throat cancer
Any defence of sugar is pure confection
Vitamin D may treat asthma symptoms
Camomile tea helps fight cancer cells
Vitamin C kills drug-resistant TB in tests
Misleading food health claims on food packaging
Western affluence causes cancer
Peanut butter for breast health
Eat real butter and cheese and not low-fat alternatives
Excellent article on the REAL causes of cardiovascular disease
Mediterranean diet is the best prevention for dementia
Artificial sweeteners may promote diabetes
Porridge could be the key to a long life
Advice on fat consumption 30 years ago lacked scientific proof
Stress and its health implications
Mediterranean diet effectively reduces heart attack risk
Dried plums to lower colon cancer risk
A daily glass of red wine good for diabetes
A glass of red wine is equivalent to exercise
Doctors receive biased drug training
Turmeric helps to fight tuberculosis
A reduction in cholesterol has no impact on the incidence of heart disease
The growing threat of antibiotic resistance
Fish oils superior to statins for treating heart disease
Eating nuts can help reduce cancer risk
High cholesterol due not cause heart disease
Black tea and red wine to limit flu symptoms
Still more benefits of red wine
Too many prescription pills is lowering life expectancy
There is no evidence that high cholesterol causes heart disease
Red wine might help the pain of osteoarthritis
Calls for vitamin B test for dementia patients
Walnuts for heart health; effect on gut may be key
How sleep and weight training can contribute to longevity
Melatonin may help prevent self-harm in young people
Higher magnesium intake for lower dementia risk
The horror of ultra-processed food
Stress can cause biological ageing
Taking vitamin D daily may reduce cancer risk by 12%
Physical activity linked to higher pain threshold
Benefits of sun exposure for cancer
Table tennis could help slow MS symptoms
The Central American region where people live longest
The key to avoiding dementia: a healthy diet in your forties