Gluten-free,  Savoury

Easy crab pâté and independence for bairns

Somewhat symbolically, on the day of the Scottish independence referendum, without so much as a by your leave, little turtle dove reclaimed her freedom. With an elegant and meticulously coordinated flap of her tiny, delicate wings, her bid for independence was successfully completed in under 20 seconds. Poor Alex Salmond’s rowdy, slightly blundering flapping has failed to achieve as much in years! She seemed to know exactly where she was going too:  She headed straight for a mid-section branch of the tree where the local turtle dove community hangs out in the evening. I have a suspicion that she’d be planning this mission for a while as she’d been paying close attention to the comings and goings in the tree for the past few evenings. I like to think she was greeted with open wings – there was certainly a crescendo of chirping upon her arrival. In any case, she didn’t come back for the couscous that I had left out in a bowl on the terrace last night just in case. Turtle Dove: 1, Alex Salmond: 0.
Ingredients (serves 6)
400g white crabmeat (I used tinned, in which case make sure it is well drained)
2 tablespoons of Greek Yoghurt
20g butter, melted
1 clove garlic, peeled
2 tablespoons of horseradish
Juice of 1 lemon
1 fresh chilli pepper
1 teaspoons of paprika
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Combine all the ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Chill for at least two hours and serve with either bread or raw vegetables (carrots, celery, fennel…) and a slice of lemon.


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