Floating islands
After three years’ pretending that he’s So Not Bothered by storms, our neurotic labrador has suddenly decided that they absolutely terrify him. He’s gone from superior nonchalence to quivering wreck in one furl swoop; no half-measures with Hugo. Which means that when it’s stormy (which is quite often here in the Spring), I gain an appendage of 30 kilos of black fur, which is a bit of a hindrance for moving around the kitchen (and certainly not a good look).
In spite of my appendage (or perhaps thanks to), I somehow managed to make this which is really delicious. The recipe came from my late mother-in-law.
Ingredients (serves about 6, depending on greed)
1 litre of full-fat milk
120g cane sugar
1 vanilla pod
1 tablespoon of cornflour
4 eggs (preferably free-range)
1 tablespoon of rum (optional)
Heat a glass of the milk and sugar mixture in a saucepan until it starts to simmer. Dilute the cornflour in a tiny bit of water and add to the milk and sugar mixture. Separate the eggs and four yolks to the mixture.
Beat the egg whites (adding a pinch of salt) until firm, then separate with a serving spoon and cook in the remaining milk which should be simmering (this should take about two minutes; one minute on each side). Sieve once cooked.
Add the cooking milk to the milk/cornflour/egg mixture with a whisk and bring to the boil until the mixture thickens (a couple of minutes). Add the rum and pour into a bowl and place the cooked egg whites on top. Refrigerate and serve chilled.
mega cool trop trop bon
The Healthy Epicurean
Merci mon chéri 🙂
This was amazing – made it with rum (obviously)! Any recipes for a good rum baba?
The Healthy Epicurean
oooh rum baba – I’d forgotten they even existed – how delicious!